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A (Better) Alternative To Sharing Posts On LinkedIn

One of the contradictions on LinkedIn is that while LinkedIn tells us we should share relevant content with our networks, the algorithm doesn’t really reward us when we do so. Every time I publish my LinkedIn newsletter, a handful of . . .

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9 Things You Can Do About Declining Reach On LinkedIn

Fads and features come and go, but the one topic that everyone talks about over the past year it seems, has been the decline in organic reach on LinkedIn. You hear things like “my reach is down 30%” and “my . . .

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Your Personal Publishing Statistics: More Fiction Than Fact

Note that when you post or publish on LinkedIn that LinkedIn will show you some statistics when you either click on the number of views, or click on “see stats” In addition to the total views, reactions, comments, and reshares, . . .

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LinkedIn Collaborative Articles: A Complete Opinionated Guide

 When I wrote this up it came to just under 2000 words so I have split it in two. This week, what Collaborative Articles are and how they work. Next week more commentary, options and three possible ways to make . . .

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9 Ways We Sabotage Ourselves Using LinkedIn

 I suppose I could have titled this “How We Run Ourselves Aground” but that seemed a little long-winded   Being guilty of a couple of these was part of my learning curve on LinkedIn. See how many of these seem . . .

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How I Write LinkedIn Posts And Articles (And Newsletters)

“How do you come up with so much stuff?” I get asked this a lot. So this week, I thought I would go through my process. My goal is to perhaps give you one idea that can help you with . . .

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12, Make that 13, Things I Have Learned About LinkedIn Newsletters 

Linkedin Newsletters are just LinkedIn articles that you promise to publish on a regular basis The tacit agreement you have with LinkedIn is that you publish on a regular basis and in return, LinkedIn will notify your subscribers when you . . .

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Are You A LinkedIn Hunter Or A LinkedIn Farmer?

Probably a hunter. There are two broad methods of finding and contacting prospective customers on LinkedIn, particularly if you are self employed, and don’t have a marketing department to lean on.  The traditional way for most sales or self employed . . .

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Coming Up With Content Ideas Is Not Rocket Science

I get this a lot. “I don’t know how to write. We have nothing to write about.”  Hogwash.  Just ask yourself, “What are my customers having problems with?”  Then write content that will help them understand the problem, solve the . . .

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What Are Your Expectations From Posting On LinkedIn?

I wonder what their expectations were for this post? Although I use written content in my examples, this applies to video and audio content on LinkedIn as well. Part One: The Sales Lead Myth Here is how people think it . . .

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Commenting On Other People’s Content Is Good Business

How do you find new people? How do you attract followers? Who should you follow and engage with on LinkedIn that will get you noticed? And how should you engage? Today I thought I would deconstruct these ideas and share . . .

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Outreach Principle #1: Send messages to people who likely will see the message

Here is an easy trick to use to increase your outreach response rate by five times.  Let’s build this out a bit. Say you have a message that on face value, will get a response 20% of the time. Good . . .

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Coming Soon? LinkedIn Premium Company Pages

Premium subscriptions are being tested for Company Pages on LinkedIn Features (and of course, my comments) Custom CTA button LinkedIn has experimented with different buttons with a limited number of options – for example Visit our website, Book a call, . . .

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3 Reasons You Should Use LinkedIn For Researching Prospects

(and three benefits you will receive) I have been a fan of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s Sherlock Holmes stories since I was a teenager. In the short story, “A Scandal in Bohemia” Holmes utters one of his most famous lines . . .

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7 Things I Have Learned On Creating Content For LinkedIn

I am in the process of overhauling my website and was a little startled when I discovered that the section on posting and publishing content on LinkedIn will run over 34,000 words. Here are 650 of them. 1) Avoiding Content . . .

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Using LinkedIn Groups To Send Free Messages To Non-Connections

This is one of the six ways to engage with people on LinkedIn (in my opinion, it is the third best after Introductions and Open Mail).  Back in the golden days of LinkedIn Groups, when it seemed Groups were the . . .

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If You Want Results On LinkedIn, You Need A System

 The path to better results Many LinkedIn users have an idea of what they would like to do and they are putting lots of work in, but they don’t have a real system, and they don’t test their results. If . . .

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8 LinkedIn Settings That Will Make LinkedIn Less Annoying and More Secure

As part of a larger project, I was updating my explanations and suggestions for the 85 (!!) settings in “Privacy and Settings” that are under the “Me” tab.  Here are nine settings that many LinkedIn users don’t even know about. . . .

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R.I.P. People Also Viewed. Then again…

People Also Viewed is (soon to be “was”) a feature on your profile where LinkedIn shows a short list of people similar to you. In LinkedIn’s words, “It was designed to help find relevant members you may consider connecting with.” . . .

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4 Additional Benefits I Gain From Publishing Content On LinkedIn (…and you can too)

For the most part we publish content on LinkedIn looking for one or more of the usual benefits – views, engagement or sales leads. What I want to talk about today are what I call the “unexpected benefits” of publishing . . .

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All About LinkedIn Followers and Subscribers

There are three wonderful groups of people that remain a black box, a mystery: your personal followers, your corporate followers, and your subscribers. Let’s look at each type, who they are and what you can do with them.  Corporate Followers . . .

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My Take On The Implications Of Post Reach Dwindling On LinkedIn

  That’s it? 102 impressions after all that work? Posts used to be the big kid on the LinkedIn block. My rule of thumb five years ago was that a post would get 9 or 10 impressions for each click . . .

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FAQ: “Why Am I Not Getting Any Leads From My LinkedIn Posts?”

I get a variation on this question every couple weeks, so I thought today I would explore this a little bit, and go through the general progression on how posting on LinkedIn “works”. For those of you that do post, . . .

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LinkedIn Posts: Do’s and Don’ts For Post Interaction

LinkedIn posted a graphic on Do’s and Don’ts for intereacting with posts on LinkedIn in their “Guide to Creating” blog a couple weeks ago. I thought it was worth some discussion. “Don’t share links without context under posts.” Instead, “Tell . . .

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Where Can LinkedIn Help With Your Sales?

The path to greater sales Over the past few years, LinkedIn has turned into this big sprawling mess of options and different types of content. It can be really confusing and frustrating trying to figure out the best way to . . .

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At Practical SMM, we pride ourselves on delivering highly effective LinkedIn strategies.