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Coming in Q4 2024

Become an All Access Member. Benefits include access to hundreds of articles on how to use LinkedIn effectively, which I update and add to weekly. Topics include:

  • LinkedIn Profiles including all facets of your LinkedIn profile, Creator mode and job hunting using LinkedIn
  • LinkedIn Connections and Connection Strategy. Includes Connections explained, why connect in the first place, strategies, invitations to connect, managing your network
  • Followers and Following. The difference between following and connecting, managing your followers
  • Posting and Publishing on LinkedIn. Getting started, types of content and recommendations, Creator Mode, the algorithm, best practices, getting engagement, LinkedIn Newsletters, measuring your results
  • LinkedIn as a Sales Tool. Sales and marketing checklist, how to research prospects and companies, outreach methods on LinkedIn, 5 ways to do lead gen, sales tactics.
  • Outreach. My outreach message framework, personalising messages, calls to action, establishing your credibility, subject lines, examples of messages that work and don’t work, two outreach hacks, a checklist of outreach do’s and don’ts.
  • Sales Navigator and other Premium Subscriptions. Comparing LinkedIn Premium and Sales Navigator, a complete course on Sales Navigator including basic navigation, the people/lead filters,  how to use them, and how to work with your search results, the company/account filters, how to use them and how to work with your results, settings and using alerts, a huge separate how-to section on InMail, other features, and my recommendations for figuring out if you really need Sales Navigator.
  • LinkedIn Search including people/lead searches, company/account searches, how to research people and companies on LinkedIn, researching competitors, other searches, comparing free search on LinkedIn vs Sales Navigator, how to use Boolean Operators, and how to avoid hitting the Commercial Search Limit.
  • Company Pages. Do you even need one, a step by step guide to setting up a Company Page, types of posts and posting recommendations, and lots of tips and ideas you can use.
  • Uncategorized. Important topics that don’t categorize easily: Settings and how to use them, Notifications and how to use them, Automation on LinkedIn, LinkedIn features you should ignore.

I write and post to an All Access Members blog several times a week. This constitutes my running commentary on new LinkedIn features, interesting things I am seeing and hearing, and my take on the general state of LinkedIn.


At Practical SMM, we pride ourselves on delivering highly effective LinkedIn strategies.