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Don’t Just Post And Disappear  

Let’s talk about the other part of posting content on LinkedIn: the followup.  Here’s a scenario I see too often: Someone who posts often on LinkedIn, sometimes as often as daily. They are consistently writing and posting good content that . . .

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Are You Investing Your Time On LinkedIn? Or Spending It?

I was reading an article on marketing a couple weeks ago, and one of their questions was, “How much will you spend on your marketing?” Which annoyed me immensely. I much prefer using the word “invest” as it specifically implies . . .

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9 Ways We Sabotage Ourselves Using LinkedIn

 I suppose I could have titled this “How We Run Ourselves Aground” but that seemed a little long-winded   Being guilty of a couple of these was part of my learning curve on LinkedIn. See how many of these seem . . .

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At Practical SMM, we pride ourselves on delivering highly effective LinkedIn strategies.